Program Tuition

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Prepare for Day Program

Daily schedule:
9:00-10:30AM 1st class
10:30-10:45AM Snack
10:45-12:30PM 2nd class
12:30-1:00PM Lunch
1:00-2:00PM Outside games
2:00-4:00PM Afternoon activity

S.E.T School 2024 Summer Schedule Grades 1-3

Dates Morning classes Afternoon Activities Availability
7/1-3, 7/5 Candy Lab
Lego Robotics
Animal Architects Available
7/8-7/12 Slime Time
Lego Robotics
Lego M.O.C. Available
7/15-7/19 Medieval Makerlab
Lego Robotics
Monsters of Myth and Magic Available
7/22-7/26 Wonderful Eggs
Lego Robotics
Wizards and Warriors Available
7/29-8/2 Atomic Cooking
Lego Robotics
Archeology Available
8/12-8/16 Geometry Jamboree
Lego Robotics
Beyblade Physics Available
8/19-8/23 Earth Science
Lego Robotics
Field Biology Available

Summer Program Description

7/1-3, 7/5 (Week 1)
Morning Candy Lab: There's a lot of chemistry that goes into making candy. Discover the secrets behind your favorite sweets and learn to control the chemistry of sugar to make your own candy. Lego Robotics: Use Lego Technic and the MINDSTORMS programming system to build and program your own robotic inventions! Using motors, sensors and imagination, we'll work on projects like art-bots, maze-runners, creature-bots, robo-soccer, and others!
Afternoon Animal Architects:From beavers to birds to bees, there are some animals who amaze us with their ability to build! We'll learn about nature's architects and make some structures ourselves.

7/8 - 7/12 (Week 2)
Morning Slime Time: Get ready to be slimed! Discover the chemistry of polymers behind all things gooey and gummy, then make your own oozes, slimes, mucus, and goo. We'll experiment with different formulas and you can even make edible slime to take home and gross out your friends! Lego Robotics: Use Lego Technic and the MINDSTORMS programming system to build and program your own robotic inventions! Using motors, sensors and imagination, we'll work on projects like art-bots, maze-runners, creature-bots, robo-soccer, and others!
Afternoon Lego M.O.C.: In Legospeak, "M.O.C." stands for "My Own Creation". Let your imagination loose in this fun class. We'll check out some awesome M.O.C.s created by Master Builders, then we'll build our own fabulous creations.

7/15 - 7/19 (Week 3)
Morning Medieval Makerlab: People in the Middle Ages built mighty castles and giant churches with just simple tools and human labor. We’ll build some fun structures of our own and learn how a drawbridge works, what powers a catapult, and what’s going on in clock towers. Lego Robotics: Use Lego Technic and the MINDSTORMS programming system to build and program your own robotic inventions! Using motors, sensors and imagination, we'll work on projects like art-bots, maze-runners, sumo-bots, robo-soccer, and others!
Afternoon Monsters of Myth and Magic: From the evil whales of Iceland and shapeshifting foxes of Asia to the airplane gremlins and Bigfoot, every culture across the globe loves stories of weird monsters. Learn about the history and true indentity behind the beasts of myth like the Loch Ness monster, and make up your own tales as well!

7/22 - 7/26 (Week 4)
Morning Wonderful Eggs: Lots of creatures hatch from eggs. How do they grow while they are inside the shell? What happens after they hatch? Why are eggs such a good place for babies? We'll hatch some brine shrimp eggs to see what happens. We'll also look at seeds. What's inside a seed and how do plants sprout and grow? Lego Robotics: Use Lego Technic and the MINDSTORMS programming system to build and program your own robotic inventions! Using motors, sensors and imagination, we'll work on projects like art-bots, maze-runners, creature-bots, robo-soccer, and others!
Afternoon Wizards and Warriors: As you search a dungeon by torchlight a giant troll steps out of the shadows, and he looks mad! What will you do? Run, fight, cast a spell? The choice is yours as you and your friends play heroes in a fantasy world using the Dungeons and Dragons rules. You'll search dungeons, solve riddles, fight monsters and hopefully escape with the treasure and your life. Make sure to bring your imagination!

7/29-8/2 (Week 5)
Morning Atomic Cooking: Did you know that cooking is chemistry? Learn how molecules like sugar, flour, milk, and baking powder interact and make delicious food at the same time! Lego Robotics: Use Lego Technic and the MINDSTORMS programming system to build and program your own robotic inventions! Using motors, sensors and imagination, we'll work on projects like art-bots, maze-runners, creature-bots, robo-soccer, and others!
Afternoon Archeology:How did people live in the days before the internet or electricity? What was life like 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, 10,000 years ago? Archeologists study the past by finding and studying artifacts left behind by our ancestors. We'll learn how they work, and do our own archeological dig!

8/12 - 8/16 (Week 6)
Morning Geometry Jamboree: For the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to Renaissance artists, geometry was key. Learn about "Marth", the "Art" in Math using kid-friendly, hands-on Montessori materials. Lego Robotics: Use Lego Technic and the MINDSTORMS programming system to build and program your own robotic inventions! Using motors, sensors and imagination, we'll work on projects like art-bots, maze-runners, creature-bots, robo-soccer, and others!
Afternoon Beyblade Physics: A remarkable amount of science underlies the humble top. Torque, momentum, weight, mass… What makes for the best spin, and what is the best combo when you’re making them slam into each other until only the victor still spins?

8/19 - 8/23 (Week 7)
Morning Earth Science: Earth is our home and one of several planets in the solar system, but what makes it special? How did it form? Where did all the water come from? What makes it such a good place for life? Learn about the long history and geology of our special place in space. Lego Robotics: Use Lego Technic and the MINDSTORMS programming system to build and program your own robotic inventions! Using motors, sensors and imagination, we'll work on projects like art-bots, maze-runners, creature-bots, robo-soccer, and others!
Afternoon Field Biology: Biologists like to study living things in their own environments. We'll check out the woods and fields behind the school, and learn how animals, plants, climate and the terrain combine to make an ecosystem work.

Summer Tuition

Dates & Daily Schedule: Program hours: 9:00am-4:00pm.

Each morning includes a science class (1.5 hours) and a robotics or technology class (1.5hours) with a snack break in between. After lunch and recess is the afternoon program.
Extended hours: Extended AM hours are offered from 8:15am to 8:45am at an additional cost of $8.
Extended PM hours are offered from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at an additional cost of $8 per half hour.
Cost: Per week tuition: $445, July 4th week $360.
Per day tuition: $95.
Tuition payment: A $50 non-refundable deposit per week is due at registration. The remaining $395 can be paid at any point between registration and the first day of enrollment.

You can sign up by downloading and printing this form.
Discounts: 10% discount for siblings.
Refer a friend and get a $20 bonus if they sign up.